Leigh was closing regularly and hitting targets with ease. Life was good, and She had worked extremely hard to get there. Then She was promoted to Sales Manager and EVERYTHING changed…
It didn’t matter how good She was at selling (and She was good), that didn’t help her when it came to leading her sales team.
She struggled. And they struggled.
Even when She told them exactly what to do and how to do it. It didn’t work.
She tried showing them, coaching them and even created checklists to make it easier.
No matter how hard She tried her team was inconsistent…some months great and other months way off their targets.
Nothing seemed to work. And it was SO FRUSTRATING!!!
Her reputation was on the line…and if it continued, She knew She would be sitting in front of my boss defending herself on why they were underperforming.
Me? Defending myself for underperformance…I couldn’t believe it.
After years of trial and error, practice and rigorous testing…I finally figured it out.
I discovered exactly why some sales teams succeed and others don’t. And why some leaders flourish whilst others stagnate. I uncovered what really holds people back – and what to do about it.
Since then I’ve helped thousands of sales teams consistently hit and beat their targets…and become happier in the process.
I’ve helped hundreds of sales leaders fix the very same sales leadership challenges I’d overcome early on in my own journey.